Our Vision
To empower and educate our tamariki to become successful learners in the 21st Century concerned with Community, Country and Environment.
We, as qualified and motivated educators with a best practice approach to Early Childhood Education offer a firm commitment to work with families and communities in children's education and care by making our children at the heart of what we do. We celebrate and respond to the interests of children respecting individual strengths, keeping alive their natural curiosity and their ability to learn through active exploration.
Through this they will continue to be self-propelled learners with a desire to continue to aquire information as a consequence of ongoing interactions between people and their environment.
We recognise the challenges of the 21st century and promote the attitudes, knowledge and skills that enable children to aquire the dispositions needed to overcome adversity. we achieve this by providing an environment that is treated as a living space, where both planned and spontaneous learning through play happens in tandem, where cultures are celebrated, where children are treated with respect and dignity and children’s holistic development drives our practice.
Our teachers work with the Principles, Strands and Goals of Te Whāriki - He Whāriki Mataranga mo nga mokopuna o Aotearoa - The Early Childhood Curriculum.
The Early Childhood Curriculum will reflect the holistic way children learn and grow.
The Early Childhood Curriculum will empower the children to learn and grow.
Children will be given the opportunity to develop knowledge and an understadning of the cultural heritage of both partners to Te Tiriti o Waitangi.
The wider world of the family and community is an integral part of the Early Childhood Curriculum.
Children will learn through responsive and reciprocal relation with people, places and things.
Our Priorities for Learning encompass the Strands of Te Whāriki:
Healthy Minds and Bodies
Social Competence
Risk Taking
Early Literacy

Our Core Values
To extend aroha to all
To respect our environment
To be a community of learners together
To determine our own destiny