Your child has turned four and we welcome them to join Catherine in our Enrichment Programme
During your child’s time with us we are focussing on a play-based curriculum where dispositions such as Courage and Curiosity, Trust and Playfulness, Perseverance, Confidence, and Responsibility are noticed, recognised and responded to by the teachers. As children near the age of formal schooling we recognise their ability and hunger for some extra challenges and responsibility.
Our Enrichment Programme has been developed to work in tandem with Te Whāriki, the Early Childhood Curriculum and is aligned with the Key Competencies in Te marautanga o aotearoa the NZ Curriculum (school) which encompasses the knowledge, skills, attitudes and values of:
NZ Curriculum Early Childhood Curriculum
Managing self
Wellbeing Mana atua
Participating and contributing
Belonging Mana whenua
Relating to others
Contribution Mana tangata
Using language, symbols, and texts
Communication Mana reo
Exploration Mana aotūroa

Here at Campbells Bay ELC our kaiako have developed an unique philosophy which encompasses seven learning priorities (below) these guide our international teaching practices and positive early outcomes for children. They link to both the Early Childhood Curriculum and the NZ Curriculum.

Early Literacy & Numeracy
Healthy Minds & Bodies
Social Competence
Creativity & Technology
Risk Taking

A little about Catherine
Catherine is a qualified and registered Primary School Teacher however she soon found that her passion lay in building foundations in the early years helping her children develop working theories, therefore the past 18 years has seen her work exclusively with four - five year old’s with the sole purpose of providing them with the knowledge, skills, attitudes and dispositions needed for success in the
21st century.
Catherine has an engaging presence; her knowledge and energy motivates learning and the children look forward to their time spent with her.